Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Pleased as ever... have poems published, but particularly so to have 'Sand' and 'Tenebrio' in the latest issue of The London Magazine, for two reasons. The first is down to the mag's strapline, the discreetly boastful 'First published 1732' - I know it hasn't been published continuously since then , but to be however spuriously in company with its history of contributors gives me a probably vicarious feeling of being part of as tradition. The second is that I happen to be in company in this issue with Seamus Heaney, who's interviewed about his relationship with Brodsky by Valentine Polukhina and has published here for the first time a piece he wrote in honour of Brodsky in the 1980s. I don't think I've ever shared pages with anyone quite so famous. I have more to say about the contetns of the interview and about Heaney in general, if I can find the time to say it properly.



Blogger Andrew Shields said...

Congrats on the publication!

I once had a prose piece of mine (a little piece called "Last Poems," in response to the death of Ted Hughes) in PNR; facing my piece were some poems by Les Murray. That was cool.

8:52 PM  
Blogger Tony Williams said...

Thanks Andrew,

Does wonders for the ego, doesn't it? PNR's an especially good scalp - still trying to get in there myself.

11:33 AM  

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